Friday, October 8, 2010


Knowledge and Information

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. Hosea 4:6(NIV)

Nothing destroys quickly or causes decay and degeneration like incorrect information about a matter. It makes a fool of the wise. Lack of knowledge is the root cause of confusion, frustration, manipulation found everywhere among the honourables. It makes a coward out of a King. Lack of information makes a man to winks in the dark.

The labour of fools wearies them, for they do not even know how to go to the city!
Eccl 10: 15 (NKJV)

No matter how good, beautiful and laudable your recipes, products and ideas may look like or may be, lack of knowledge will make you to wallow in mediocrity, obscurity and suffer untold hardships, insults and embarrassments.

It makes a lot of things to experience set backs, abandonment and subjection to abuse and ridicule. It under values and promote low pricing to your gifts. When they are under valued it causes shrinking, aging and lost of colour and beauty.

You need correct and right information to be able to access the people for your upward movement. Knowledge enhances your worth and value. In any enterprise, get the right information before launching out into the market. Consult for right details before you confront with accurate information.

When you are informed before you get involved the possibility of deformation is ruled out. With the right information it makes you to be in charge of your destiny. Right information is a problem solver on its own; it saves time and resources when they are being put into right use for maximum exploits.

In any life endeavour, when you are not informed you will be deformed. It makes the eagle in you to scratch the ground with the chickens. Lack of knowledge makes you to be among the crowd or the so called the masses. It is responsible for conferment of misfit or by word upon men.

Nothing frustrates, demeans or hurts than a man who is anointed but weak, loaded but cannot perform, with opportunities but cannot deliver, discharge or display the beauty thereon; it is demoralising and negates purpose.

You are an eagle and a high flyer; do whatever it takes to get your bearing. Do not build obstacles in your imagination. Your life is not a coincidence; it is a reflection of you. Go back to the drawing board to locate where you have missed it and retrace your journey back. As a man thinks within himself, so he is. Pick up your cross you can only find fulfilment in positioning yourself in your place.

Lack of knowledge is the root cause of enslavement; therefore whatever it will take you to break loose do it. You’ll be glad you did. Zig Ziglar said: ‘’What you picture in your mind, your mind will go to work to accomplish. When you change your pictures, you automatically change your performance.’’ Though your future depends on so many things but the greatest is mostly you. Believe in yourself.

Get responsible by doing whatever it takes to liberate yourself, by educating your mind. E.W. Kenyon said, ‘’Make your brain work it will sweat, but make it work. It will improve. It will develop until you become a wonder to those around you.’’

As you turn the light of knowledge power on, it will increase, enhance your worth and value among the saints in the light.

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