Endorsement For Prevailing Over Evil Law Enforcement Agents
A Book To Prevail Over Powers of Evil
It is no news that there are laws that governs the affairs of any society. For these laws to hold sway and stand there are law enforcement agents whose sole duty/ responsibility is to ensure that the law is obeyed. In other words, they enforce the law. In the same vein, there are spiritual operations and manifestations. In the kingdom of God, Angel and God’s ministers ensure that the laws of God are enforced. On the contrary, in the kingdom of darkness, demons and satanic agents are also bent on ensuring that satanic laws and decrees are enforced.
In enforcing satanic laws in the lives of people (particularly Christians many people have suffered untold hardships and they do not know what to do. For these kinds of people I want to congratulate them because there is a way out. Rev Henry has taken the pain to put on paper in simple and understandable manner how to prevail over evil law enforcement agents. Going through this book, I can say that the devil and his agents are in serious trouble, because anyone who goes through this book will be empowered to overcome evil law enforcement agents.
I therefore have no reservation in recommending this book to all.
Rev. King Oladipo, Vice President, Operations, God will do it ministries, Ibadan
Revelational Knowledge To Conquer
The devil is a liar and he is the father of all lies. He has nothing good to offer, except deceit and manipulation. We are very priviledge to have more than adequate information about him and his mode of operation from the word of God.
In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, the bible makes us to know that “for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war against the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of stronghold; casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and having in a captivity every thought to the obedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”
For you to prevail over law enforcement agents, you must put on the whole armour of God (Eph 6:11-18), trusting in the word God that says “upon this church I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” Matthew 16:18. In summary, you also must have what is referred to as prevailing faith to conquer the devil and his agents through Christ Jesus..
I have no doubt in my mind that the author, a servant of God, trained and schooled in the deliverance ministry, will bring his wealth of experience to bear in impacting the knowledge of the mystery of God to the body of Christ. It is my prayer that this book will further help to teach the revelational knowledge of Christ and expand his kingdom here on earth.
It is a book that will surely bless its readers, in Jesus name, Amen.
Pastor Akinsola Cole, Disciples Of All Nations Ministry, Lamb of God Assembly, Lagos.
Divinely Prepared For Emancipation
This book prevailing over Evil law enforcement agents, written by Dr. Henry Aghorunse is one of the best books I have ever laid my hand upon, written on power encounter. Very rich,well compiled, prayerfully prepared and divinely arranged.
It will open the eyes of the readers to see and understand the problems of their lives. The solution will be found in this book. The scriptures that will put light into your live and solutions to various attack of the devil in human lives are in this book.
There are many powerful prayers points in this book that will help you to pray out problems and get solution to your various needs.
This book is very good for you get one for your loved ones, you will have cause to laugh at last.
Rev. A. Ola Koleoluwa, Zonal superintendent Foursquare Gospel Church.
Freedom from Shackles of Evil And Oppression.
This book prevailing over evil law enforcement agent is a book loaded with spiritual insight and in- depth into ones way out of spiritual cage of oppression by the devil and its co- host. I strongly suggest the book to everybody that deserve/ desire freedom from all the chains and shackles of the evil oppression.
This book contains the principle, laws, strength and strategies of the evil and even further to give us the weapons to use to overcome them. My prayer to who cares to read this book, is that as you use this weapon of the word of God, faith in Him, His precious Blood and His wonderful name you shall be delivered. I also pray for the writer for more spiritual endowment and anointing for him to be used by God for this generation that is under the cage of the devil and its agents. More grease to your elbow and more oil in your lamp. Shalom.
Dr E. B. Owolabi, Eboa Medical Centre, Lagos.
NO Breeding Space to Manipulate You.
Laws are made because there are likely offenders. To make it absolutely effective, Law Enforcement agents are appointed. The world we live in is guided by laws to be enforced by good or evil agents.
The author has demonstrated that these evil agents most be put in check. The devil has a plan to intimidate and destroy mankind. This book is an eye opener to those who care to know the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat to the evil law enforcement agent. The author has through the power of divine revelation design, develop and provide prayer points to deliver you from these satanic agents. In Genesis 25:21, Isaac prayed…. The lord answered his prayer…. Apply the principles contained therein and you will not give these evil agents any breeding space to press and manipulate you.
I am fully persuaded that this book will do you the best in life.
Pastor Julius Imafidon, RCCG: Sufficient Grace, Lagos
This Book Is An Eye Opener
Laws are rules of actions as established by authority. People do find it difficult to abide or keep to any law- both spiritual and physical. Some may ask why such laws are even put in place. Many people find it very difficult to abide by any law or even to accept it.
Prevailing over evil law enforcement agents is a classic volume designed to guide, educate or practically help on planet earth and the spiritual realm. The devil is always moving to and fro, seeking those to devoir. This calls for your alertness “awake thou that sleepest”.
Violation of the law of God results to physical and spiritual setbacks. If you come out of hedge, the snake will definitely bite you”.
As a believer, you must look at your situation critically, examine your past and seek for spiritual solution.
Where do evil law enforcement agents get their strength?
Is your marriage suffering any shipwreck?
The answers to these very important questions are in this book.
Dear reader, as you read this revealing book, please pause awhile and look inward, ask the Holy Spirit to grant you wisdom for more understanding.
Not everything happening to you are natural in fact, those ugly situations in your life are caused by evil law enforcement agents. The indication of their presence in your life is clearly spelt out in details in this classic book- please check it out.
Pastor Henry Aghorunse has taken to enumerate the spiritual strategies for prevailing over these evil enforcement agents i.e.. Solutions and definite weapons tto use to prevail over these evil forces.
Here the good news- the Holy Bible- the word is the final authority that reveals spiritual laws- these laws must be obeyed.
Are you still outside the kingdom?
My dear Pastor in this book has shown us how to link the greatest power- Jesus. This book in an eye opener for this season- the ending time!
Hello- the taste of the pudding is in the eating.
I therefore recommend this resourceful book to the entire Christian community as a good asset.
Don’t drop! Read on!!!!!!
Rev. (Mrs.) C.N. Enemchukwu, Four Square Gospel Church, Lagos
A Book To Prevail Over Powers of Evil
It is no news that there are laws that governs the affairs of any society. For these laws to hold sway and stand there are law enforcement agents whose sole duty/ responsibility is to ensure that the law is obeyed. In other words, they enforce the law. In the same vein, there are spiritual operations and manifestations. In the kingdom of God, Angel and God’s ministers ensure that the laws of God are enforced. On the contrary, in the kingdom of darkness, demons and satanic agents are also bent on ensuring that satanic laws and decrees are enforced.
In enforcing satanic laws in the lives of people (particularly Christians many people have suffered untold hardships and they do not know what to do. For these kinds of people I want to congratulate them because there is a way out. Rev Henry has taken the pain to put on paper in simple and understandable manner how to prevail over evil law enforcement agents. Going through this book, I can say that the devil and his agents are in serious trouble, because anyone who goes through this book will be empowered to overcome evil law enforcement agents.
I therefore have no reservation in recommending this book to all.
Rev. King Oladipo, Vice President, Operations, God will do it ministries, Ibadan
Revelational Knowledge To Conquer
The devil is a liar and he is the father of all lies. He has nothing good to offer, except deceit and manipulation. We are very priviledge to have more than adequate information about him and his mode of operation from the word of God.
In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, the bible makes us to know that “for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war against the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of stronghold; casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and having in a captivity every thought to the obedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”
For you to prevail over law enforcement agents, you must put on the whole armour of God (Eph 6:11-18), trusting in the word God that says “upon this church I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” Matthew 16:18. In summary, you also must have what is referred to as prevailing faith to conquer the devil and his agents through Christ Jesus..
I have no doubt in my mind that the author, a servant of God, trained and schooled in the deliverance ministry, will bring his wealth of experience to bear in impacting the knowledge of the mystery of God to the body of Christ. It is my prayer that this book will further help to teach the revelational knowledge of Christ and expand his kingdom here on earth.
It is a book that will surely bless its readers, in Jesus name, Amen.
Pastor Akinsola Cole, Disciples Of All Nations Ministry, Lamb of God Assembly, Lagos.
Divinely Prepared For Emancipation
This book prevailing over Evil law enforcement agents, written by Dr. Henry Aghorunse is one of the best books I have ever laid my hand upon, written on power encounter. Very rich,well compiled, prayerfully prepared and divinely arranged.
It will open the eyes of the readers to see and understand the problems of their lives. The solution will be found in this book. The scriptures that will put light into your live and solutions to various attack of the devil in human lives are in this book.
There are many powerful prayers points in this book that will help you to pray out problems and get solution to your various needs.
This book is very good for you get one for your loved ones, you will have cause to laugh at last.
Rev. A. Ola Koleoluwa, Zonal superintendent Foursquare Gospel Church.
Freedom from Shackles of Evil And Oppression.
This book prevailing over evil law enforcement agent is a book loaded with spiritual insight and in- depth into ones way out of spiritual cage of oppression by the devil and its co- host. I strongly suggest the book to everybody that deserve/ desire freedom from all the chains and shackles of the evil oppression.
This book contains the principle, laws, strength and strategies of the evil and even further to give us the weapons to use to overcome them. My prayer to who cares to read this book, is that as you use this weapon of the word of God, faith in Him, His precious Blood and His wonderful name you shall be delivered. I also pray for the writer for more spiritual endowment and anointing for him to be used by God for this generation that is under the cage of the devil and its agents. More grease to your elbow and more oil in your lamp. Shalom.
Dr E. B. Owolabi, Eboa Medical Centre, Lagos.
NO Breeding Space to Manipulate You.
Laws are made because there are likely offenders. To make it absolutely effective, Law Enforcement agents are appointed. The world we live in is guided by laws to be enforced by good or evil agents.
The author has demonstrated that these evil agents most be put in check. The devil has a plan to intimidate and destroy mankind. This book is an eye opener to those who care to know the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat to the evil law enforcement agent. The author has through the power of divine revelation design, develop and provide prayer points to deliver you from these satanic agents. In Genesis 25:21, Isaac prayed…. The lord answered his prayer…. Apply the principles contained therein and you will not give these evil agents any breeding space to press and manipulate you.
I am fully persuaded that this book will do you the best in life.
Pastor Julius Imafidon, RCCG: Sufficient Grace, Lagos
This Book Is An Eye Opener
Laws are rules of actions as established by authority. People do find it difficult to abide or keep to any law- both spiritual and physical. Some may ask why such laws are even put in place. Many people find it very difficult to abide by any law or even to accept it.
Prevailing over evil law enforcement agents is a classic volume designed to guide, educate or practically help on planet earth and the spiritual realm. The devil is always moving to and fro, seeking those to devoir. This calls for your alertness “awake thou that sleepest”.
Violation of the law of God results to physical and spiritual setbacks. If you come out of hedge, the snake will definitely bite you”.
As a believer, you must look at your situation critically, examine your past and seek for spiritual solution.
Where do evil law enforcement agents get their strength?
Is your marriage suffering any shipwreck?
The answers to these very important questions are in this book.
Dear reader, as you read this revealing book, please pause awhile and look inward, ask the Holy Spirit to grant you wisdom for more understanding.
Not everything happening to you are natural in fact, those ugly situations in your life are caused by evil law enforcement agents. The indication of their presence in your life is clearly spelt out in details in this classic book- please check it out.
Pastor Henry Aghorunse has taken to enumerate the spiritual strategies for prevailing over these evil enforcement agents i.e.. Solutions and definite weapons tto use to prevail over these evil forces.
Here the good news- the Holy Bible- the word is the final authority that reveals spiritual laws- these laws must be obeyed.
Are you still outside the kingdom?
My dear Pastor in this book has shown us how to link the greatest power- Jesus. This book in an eye opener for this season- the ending time!
Hello- the taste of the pudding is in the eating.
I therefore recommend this resourceful book to the entire Christian community as a good asset.
Don’t drop! Read on!!!!!!
Rev. (Mrs.) C.N. Enemchukwu, Four Square Gospel Church, Lagos