Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Go Forward In the New Order

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.-Marie Curie

Acting forward is the power of using your imagination to living beyond the present moment to open new channels to your future. This is having capacity dimension of the Creator to doing things orderly, patiently and decently.

Acting forward is moving towards a particular place you are looking in front of you. This is towards a greater progress or a development forward and upward. To successfully complete a stage of certain project you desire for your life and to move to completing the next stage of progress in the right direction of your assignment.

To Make Progress Despite The Barriers

This is to make progress despite the barriers you may encounter on the way to your placement in life. The Israelites acted forward to live beyond the opposition by pressing forward to take their inheritance in God physically and spiritually.

The accomplishment is seen as more important than any challenge that may be encountered on the way to stardom. Acting forward is taking journey somewhere in order to do something different from the usual way. Moving towards the place you intend to be in the future that makes you to depart from the usual manner you use to do things. To this end you determine to discipline yourself to quit the mediocre pattern of thinking and mentality in doing things.
Acting forward is leaving the usual place behind and journeying to a new destination either in the present or in the future in the mind’s eye with an expedite actions of unyielding faith.

This is to perform by discontinuing, ceasing and abstaining from attitudes that hinder, oppose and retard your feat of accomplishment, execution and actions to your advancement in your transaction to your place of progress and advancement.

Purposeful Direction In Your Assignment

The Creator God has good things in mind for us to give a purposeful direction to us in our life pilgrimage as He said in Isaiah 48:17 This is what the LORD says--your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. His intention for us in our life journey is conclusive, if we do dare to follow His mind for us to seek His face in asking which best way He wants us to go.

For greater progression and acceleration you must relinquish, stop, retire, recede and abandon every act that is contrary to your upward movement. Every thought that serves as an impediment must be put away, of the preferred old pattern of living in doubts and fears which echo from the past Egyptian bondage which stands for darkness must be dealt with.

You take giant strides to swing into faith, as you cultivate and further your journey towards your future in the Promised Land. Remember that each one of us has a Promised Land, that is a heart's desire, but you must not be enslaved by your negative thoughts, it is a dangerous thing to do. In the old pattern negative thinking you consider trusting God to be a very risky proposition and too good to be true but the wilderness experience might prove worse than the darkness of living in doubts and fears.

You might be confronted with the question: And how do I really know my Promised Land exists with all these challenges around me? Yes you have a radiant and beautiful one. As it is written in His word that: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.

Don’t ever subscribe to the reasoning mind that is trying to back up or justify the negative thought experience of the past; don’t buy into the idea, resist it by all possible means with the Creators strength within you and follow the mind of the Creator God of winning spirit.
Listen to what the Creator, the Father of all Light says for your hour of upward movement: is to "Go forward!" don’t hesitate to take your journey upward from now on and it shall be well with you.
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Thank you,

Dan Callahan :)
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Living Beyond Now said...

Hai Dan,

Thank you for your comment.
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