Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Written Guarantee
Attestation For The Written Guarantee
I am glad to introduce this book “the written guarantee” to all serious individuals who desire to have all that God has purposed for them in life. As the custom is, my friend and brother, Rev. Henry, in simple and easy to read manner clearly puts it forward in this powerful book how everyone that cares can have all that Christ has paid for.
There is a guarantee that has been written for every aspect of the Christian’s life,, ranging from spiritual, to the physical, material, financial etc, many people are languishing because they are not aware of these wonderful privilege that the almighty has made available to all. I wish every Christian will have the opportunity of going through this small but mighty book. I am sure everyone that reads it will be tremendously blessed.
I therefore wholeheartedly recommend this book to all.
Rev King Oladipo, Vice President, Operations, God will do it ministries, Ibadan
Every Christian is born to win but we know that it is not easy neither is it automatic. Faith is the key that unlocks many doors to a life of victory and power.
In this book “the written guarantee” my brother Pastor Henry R. Aghorunse has brought together many aspects of faith which is solely the work of God in us, without any assistance on our part but obtained by Christ. Your positive reaction to what you need is very important. You must expect to receive from God, but not to program God like a computer or make him do what you like by following some formulae.
Pastor Henry in this book has clearly stated that you must abide by the principles of the word of God (the written guarantee) holding onto your faith without refocusing or staggering at God’s promises.
The promises of God are sure and must work out for you, if you rightly divide the word of truth. When you diligently seek God and believe, you will find him- faith must be backed by action.
As a believer, you must be dominated by the presence of God i.e. you must become conscious of the presence of God in your life.
If you have heard repeatedly that faith in the word of God through Christ works and you have endlessly wondered how to act on what you believe, then reading this book will prove a tremendous blessing.
I therefore recommend this book without hesitation. There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit will use the book to touch countless lives.
Rev.{Mrs} C.N. Enemchukwu, Foursquare Gospel Church. Lagos.
The author, Rev. Dr. Henry Aghorunse has again revealed the mind of God in this book is a guaranty for good health, great faith, prosperity, victory, deliverance, progress, etc. many people are still in the dark continent of the devil because they have not discovered the legacy of the written word of God guaranty’s to explore. God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).
The truth you have been looking for to set you free from ignorance is hidden in this book. May God through this book reveal the secret things inherent in his word to you with a guaranty. Amen.
I prayerfully commend and recommend it to all those who want to excel I life.
Pastor Julius Imafidon, RCCG: Sufficient Grace Lagos.
This book “the written guarantee” is a book on faith. It’s an in-depth analysis of faith, men of faith, what they used their faith to achieve and the blessing they accrued as a result of their unflinching faith. The book is highly recommended for today Christian and non- Christian alike who will like to please the Father (God) because without faith no man can please him. In this er of doubt and unbelief this book will serve as tonic if not fuel to stir- up in you the necessary mental force needed to achieve your desire goals and objectives.
Remain blessed as you read.
Dr. E.B. Owolabi., CEO Eboa Medical Center, Lagos.
This book impresses me! Rev. Henry Aghorunse has written some inspired books but this one is specially written to make the readers to embrace faith like the people of Old and New Testament, so as to have illumination of God to their dark lives
Here in this book you will find the biblical basis for faith, the action of faith, living by faith in the word and the promises of God; that the righteousness of God will expand your faith and establish you in him.
Rev. A. O. Koleoluwa. Former Zonal Supt, Foursquare gospel church, Lagos.
The word of God is the written guarantee to them that believe in Him. The psalmist understood this revelational knowledge of God when he said “Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89).
It is true that faith cometh by understanding, and understanding by the word of God. It is my prayer today, that as you read this word of life, your life will be greatly blessed by Him who is able to do all things exceedingly, abundantly above all we think or ask for in Christ Jesus. Amen.
L the written guarantee, a book by Rev Henry Aghorunse, is borne out of a desire by the author to share the revelational knowledge of God, which is Christ Jesus, with the saints of God. The message in this book centers on faith in God. The message in this book centers on faith In God and the power in the revelational truth.
To those who are earnestly seeking God in genuine repentance, this book will further help you in your daily walk with God.
Pastor Akinsola Cole, Disciples of all Nations Ministry, Lamb of God Assembly, Lagos.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Prevailing Over Evil Law Enforcement Agents
Endorsement For Prevailing Over Evil Law Enforcement Agents
A Book To Prevail Over Powers of Evil
It is no news that there are laws that governs the affairs of any society. For these laws to hold sway and stand there are law enforcement agents whose sole duty/ responsibility is to ensure that the law is obeyed. In other words, they enforce the law. In the same vein, there are spiritual operations and manifestations. In the kingdom of God, Angel and God’s ministers ensure that the laws of God are enforced. On the contrary, in the kingdom of darkness, demons and satanic agents are also bent on ensuring that satanic laws and decrees are enforced.
In enforcing satanic laws in the lives of people (particularly Christians many people have suffered untold hardships and they do not know what to do. For these kinds of people I want to congratulate them because there is a way out. Rev Henry has taken the pain to put on paper in simple and understandable manner how to prevail over evil law enforcement agents. Going through this book, I can say that the devil and his agents are in serious trouble, because anyone who goes through this book will be empowered to overcome evil law enforcement agents.
I therefore have no reservation in recommending this book to all.
Rev. King Oladipo, Vice President, Operations, God will do it ministries, Ibadan
Revelational Knowledge To Conquer
The devil is a liar and he is the father of all lies. He has nothing good to offer, except deceit and manipulation. We are very priviledge to have more than adequate information about him and his mode of operation from the word of God.
In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, the bible makes us to know that “for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war against the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of stronghold; casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and having in a captivity every thought to the obedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”
For you to prevail over law enforcement agents, you must put on the whole armour of God (Eph 6:11-18), trusting in the word God that says “upon this church I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” Matthew 16:18. In summary, you also must have what is referred to as prevailing faith to conquer the devil and his agents through Christ Jesus..
I have no doubt in my mind that the author, a servant of God, trained and schooled in the deliverance ministry, will bring his wealth of experience to bear in impacting the knowledge of the mystery of God to the body of Christ. It is my prayer that this book will further help to teach the revelational knowledge of Christ and expand his kingdom here on earth.
It is a book that will surely bless its readers, in Jesus name, Amen.
Pastor Akinsola Cole, Disciples Of All Nations Ministry, Lamb of God Assembly, Lagos.
Divinely Prepared For Emancipation
This book prevailing over Evil law enforcement agents, written by Dr. Henry Aghorunse is one of the best books I have ever laid my hand upon, written on power encounter. Very rich,well compiled, prayerfully prepared and divinely arranged.
It will open the eyes of the readers to see and understand the problems of their lives. The solution will be found in this book. The scriptures that will put light into your live and solutions to various attack of the devil in human lives are in this book.
There are many powerful prayers points in this book that will help you to pray out problems and get solution to your various needs.
This book is very good for you get one for your loved ones, you will have cause to laugh at last.
Rev. A. Ola Koleoluwa, Zonal superintendent Foursquare Gospel Church.
Freedom from Shackles of Evil And Oppression.
This book prevailing over evil law enforcement agent is a book loaded with spiritual insight and in- depth into ones way out of spiritual cage of oppression by the devil and its co- host. I strongly suggest the book to everybody that deserve/ desire freedom from all the chains and shackles of the evil oppression.
This book contains the principle, laws, strength and strategies of the evil and even further to give us the weapons to use to overcome them. My prayer to who cares to read this book, is that as you use this weapon of the word of God, faith in Him, His precious Blood and His wonderful name you shall be delivered. I also pray for the writer for more spiritual endowment and anointing for him to be used by God for this generation that is under the cage of the devil and its agents. More grease to your elbow and more oil in your lamp. Shalom.
Dr E. B. Owolabi, Eboa Medical Centre, Lagos.
NO Breeding Space to Manipulate You.
Laws are made because there are likely offenders. To make it absolutely effective, Law Enforcement agents are appointed. The world we live in is guided by laws to be enforced by good or evil agents.
The author has demonstrated that these evil agents most be put in check. The devil has a plan to intimidate and destroy mankind. This book is an eye opener to those who care to know the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat to the evil law enforcement agent. The author has through the power of divine revelation design, develop and provide prayer points to deliver you from these satanic agents. In Genesis 25:21, Isaac prayed…. The lord answered his prayer…. Apply the principles contained therein and you will not give these evil agents any breeding space to press and manipulate you.
I am fully persuaded that this book will do you the best in life.
Pastor Julius Imafidon, RCCG: Sufficient Grace, Lagos
This Book Is An Eye Opener
Laws are rules of actions as established by authority. People do find it difficult to abide or keep to any law- both spiritual and physical. Some may ask why such laws are even put in place. Many people find it very difficult to abide by any law or even to accept it.
Prevailing over evil law enforcement agents is a classic volume designed to guide, educate or practically help on planet earth and the spiritual realm. The devil is always moving to and fro, seeking those to devoir. This calls for your alertness “awake thou that sleepest”.
Violation of the law of God results to physical and spiritual setbacks. If you come out of hedge, the snake will definitely bite you”.
As a believer, you must look at your situation critically, examine your past and seek for spiritual solution.
Where do evil law enforcement agents get their strength?
Is your marriage suffering any shipwreck?
The answers to these very important questions are in this book.
Dear reader, as you read this revealing book, please pause awhile and look inward, ask the Holy Spirit to grant you wisdom for more understanding.
Not everything happening to you are natural in fact, those ugly situations in your life are caused by evil law enforcement agents. The indication of their presence in your life is clearly spelt out in details in this classic book- please check it out.
Pastor Henry Aghorunse has taken to enumerate the spiritual strategies for prevailing over these evil enforcement agents i.e.. Solutions and definite weapons tto use to prevail over these evil forces.
Here the good news- the Holy Bible- the word is the final authority that reveals spiritual laws- these laws must be obeyed.
Are you still outside the kingdom?
My dear Pastor in this book has shown us how to link the greatest power- Jesus. This book in an eye opener for this season- the ending time!
Hello- the taste of the pudding is in the eating.
I therefore recommend this resourceful book to the entire Christian community as a good asset.
Don’t drop! Read on!!!!!!
Rev. (Mrs.) C.N. Enemchukwu, Four Square Gospel Church, Lagos
A Book To Prevail Over Powers of Evil
It is no news that there are laws that governs the affairs of any society. For these laws to hold sway and stand there are law enforcement agents whose sole duty/ responsibility is to ensure that the law is obeyed. In other words, they enforce the law. In the same vein, there are spiritual operations and manifestations. In the kingdom of God, Angel and God’s ministers ensure that the laws of God are enforced. On the contrary, in the kingdom of darkness, demons and satanic agents are also bent on ensuring that satanic laws and decrees are enforced.
In enforcing satanic laws in the lives of people (particularly Christians many people have suffered untold hardships and they do not know what to do. For these kinds of people I want to congratulate them because there is a way out. Rev Henry has taken the pain to put on paper in simple and understandable manner how to prevail over evil law enforcement agents. Going through this book, I can say that the devil and his agents are in serious trouble, because anyone who goes through this book will be empowered to overcome evil law enforcement agents.
I therefore have no reservation in recommending this book to all.
Rev. King Oladipo, Vice President, Operations, God will do it ministries, Ibadan
Revelational Knowledge To Conquer
The devil is a liar and he is the father of all lies. He has nothing good to offer, except deceit and manipulation. We are very priviledge to have more than adequate information about him and his mode of operation from the word of God.
In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, the bible makes us to know that “for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war against the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of stronghold; casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and having in a captivity every thought to the obedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”
For you to prevail over law enforcement agents, you must put on the whole armour of God (Eph 6:11-18), trusting in the word God that says “upon this church I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” Matthew 16:18. In summary, you also must have what is referred to as prevailing faith to conquer the devil and his agents through Christ Jesus..
I have no doubt in my mind that the author, a servant of God, trained and schooled in the deliverance ministry, will bring his wealth of experience to bear in impacting the knowledge of the mystery of God to the body of Christ. It is my prayer that this book will further help to teach the revelational knowledge of Christ and expand his kingdom here on earth.
It is a book that will surely bless its readers, in Jesus name, Amen.
Pastor Akinsola Cole, Disciples Of All Nations Ministry, Lamb of God Assembly, Lagos.
Divinely Prepared For Emancipation
This book prevailing over Evil law enforcement agents, written by Dr. Henry Aghorunse is one of the best books I have ever laid my hand upon, written on power encounter. Very rich,well compiled, prayerfully prepared and divinely arranged.
It will open the eyes of the readers to see and understand the problems of their lives. The solution will be found in this book. The scriptures that will put light into your live and solutions to various attack of the devil in human lives are in this book.
There are many powerful prayers points in this book that will help you to pray out problems and get solution to your various needs.
This book is very good for you get one for your loved ones, you will have cause to laugh at last.
Rev. A. Ola Koleoluwa, Zonal superintendent Foursquare Gospel Church.
Freedom from Shackles of Evil And Oppression.
This book prevailing over evil law enforcement agent is a book loaded with spiritual insight and in- depth into ones way out of spiritual cage of oppression by the devil and its co- host. I strongly suggest the book to everybody that deserve/ desire freedom from all the chains and shackles of the evil oppression.
This book contains the principle, laws, strength and strategies of the evil and even further to give us the weapons to use to overcome them. My prayer to who cares to read this book, is that as you use this weapon of the word of God, faith in Him, His precious Blood and His wonderful name you shall be delivered. I also pray for the writer for more spiritual endowment and anointing for him to be used by God for this generation that is under the cage of the devil and its agents. More grease to your elbow and more oil in your lamp. Shalom.
Dr E. B. Owolabi, Eboa Medical Centre, Lagos.
NO Breeding Space to Manipulate You.
Laws are made because there are likely offenders. To make it absolutely effective, Law Enforcement agents are appointed. The world we live in is guided by laws to be enforced by good or evil agents.
The author has demonstrated that these evil agents most be put in check. The devil has a plan to intimidate and destroy mankind. This book is an eye opener to those who care to know the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat to the evil law enforcement agent. The author has through the power of divine revelation design, develop and provide prayer points to deliver you from these satanic agents. In Genesis 25:21, Isaac prayed…. The lord answered his prayer…. Apply the principles contained therein and you will not give these evil agents any breeding space to press and manipulate you.
I am fully persuaded that this book will do you the best in life.
Pastor Julius Imafidon, RCCG: Sufficient Grace, Lagos
This Book Is An Eye Opener
Laws are rules of actions as established by authority. People do find it difficult to abide or keep to any law- both spiritual and physical. Some may ask why such laws are even put in place. Many people find it very difficult to abide by any law or even to accept it.
Prevailing over evil law enforcement agents is a classic volume designed to guide, educate or practically help on planet earth and the spiritual realm. The devil is always moving to and fro, seeking those to devoir. This calls for your alertness “awake thou that sleepest”.
Violation of the law of God results to physical and spiritual setbacks. If you come out of hedge, the snake will definitely bite you”.
As a believer, you must look at your situation critically, examine your past and seek for spiritual solution.
Where do evil law enforcement agents get their strength?
Is your marriage suffering any shipwreck?
The answers to these very important questions are in this book.
Dear reader, as you read this revealing book, please pause awhile and look inward, ask the Holy Spirit to grant you wisdom for more understanding.
Not everything happening to you are natural in fact, those ugly situations in your life are caused by evil law enforcement agents. The indication of their presence in your life is clearly spelt out in details in this classic book- please check it out.
Pastor Henry Aghorunse has taken to enumerate the spiritual strategies for prevailing over these evil enforcement agents i.e.. Solutions and definite weapons tto use to prevail over these evil forces.
Here the good news- the Holy Bible- the word is the final authority that reveals spiritual laws- these laws must be obeyed.
Are you still outside the kingdom?
My dear Pastor in this book has shown us how to link the greatest power- Jesus. This book in an eye opener for this season- the ending time!
Hello- the taste of the pudding is in the eating.
I therefore recommend this resourceful book to the entire Christian community as a good asset.
Don’t drop! Read on!!!!!!
Rev. (Mrs.) C.N. Enemchukwu, Four Square Gospel Church, Lagos
Praise Report about the Book from seasoned Ministers
Truth in a Very Simple Way
This book; Deliverance from Demonic Affliction has come at a time that I believe it is most needed. This is the period that Paul was talking about when all manner of afflictions are coming on the believers know what to do, therefore, instead of being victors, they have become victims for such Christians, this book is a must. Rev Henry Aghorunse has put forth the truth in a very simple way that anyone who sincerely reads objectively with an open mind will find rewarding.
In this small but powerfully book, the reader will get to know what demonic affliction is all about, the types and levels of its manifestations, how to receive freedom as well as how maintain the freedom thus received.
I have no reservation recommending this book for public consumption. It will sincerely do you good. Get copies for yourself, your friends and family members. You will be glad you did.
Rev. King Oladipo, God Will Do It Ministries Ibadan, Nigeria.
Freedom by the Truth
Are you the type of Christian that goes to church, shouting, dancing, prophesying and speaking in tongues yet still much afflicted?
This book, “Deliverance from Demonic Affliction,” written by a very dear man of God, Rev. Dr. Henry Aghorunse will be of tremendous help, to say the least. Your deliverance must surely happen if you apply the truth in it.
The Bible says God’s people are destroyed by lack for knowledge. This book will expose you to all you need to know about different types of afflictions and how to be free from them. Knowing what affliction is what you need to be free from and the hindrances against deliverance, you are certainly going to be free indeed.
Dear reader, the enlightenment you will get from this book will lead to your total deliverance.
Arise thou that sleepeth, awake from thy slumber and get delivered.
Purchase your copy now!
Rev. (Mrs.) C. N. Enemchukwu, Foursquare Gospel Church, Lagos, Nigeria.
Loaded With Spiritual Capsules
This book is a success digest loaded with spiritual capsules capable of delivering you from demonic afflictions. It is an eye opener to your past, present and future. The weapon of warfare prayer points contained in this book are not canal but mighty through God.
I recommend that you read, study, practice, prove and determine that affliction shall not rise up a second time. Nahum 1:9
Deliver yourself from demonic afflictions by sharing and keeping this book for life. To be delivered is a choice to be made by you.
Pastor Julius IMAFIDON, RCCG, Lagos, Nigeria.
Valuable Resource Material for Ministers and All Christians.
It is with great delight that I write the foreword to this book, Deliverance from Demonic Affliction, written by a very dear brother, Rev Dr Henry Aghorunse.
Rev Aghorunse is a firebrand minister of the gospel. He has taught in our School of Deliverance and Healing and his life has been a blessing to many.
In this book, he has exposed the works of the devil in the form of demonic afflictions. He has shown that not only human beings can be afflicted, but also houses, lands, nations, and the entire creation. He explains the hindrances to, and steps to deliverance from afflictions, and how to maintain your blessing.
The book shall surely be a great blessing to those who are looking up to God for one form of deliverance or another. It is also a valuable resource material for ministers and all Christians.
It is therefore my great pleasure to recommend it to all and sundry. Get a copy for yourself, and for all your loved ones.
God bless you.
Dr. G. F. Oyor President, God-Will-Do-It Ministries Inc. Ibadan, Nigeria.
Praise Report about the Book from seasoned Ministers
Truth in a Very Simple Way
This book; Deliverance from Demonic Affliction has come at a time that I believe it is most needed. This is the period that Paul was talking about when all manner of afflictions are coming on the believers know what to do, therefore, instead of being victors, they have become victims for such Christians, this book is a must. Rev Henry Aghorunse has put forth the truth in a very simple way that anyone who sincerely reads objectively with an open mind will find rewarding.
In this small but powerfully book, the reader will get to know what demonic affliction is all about, the types and levels of its manifestations, how to receive freedom as well as how maintain the freedom thus received.
I have no reservation recommending this book for public consumption. It will sincerely do you good. Get copies for yourself, your friends and family members. You will be glad you did.
Rev. King Oladipo, God Will Do It Ministries Ibadan, Nigeria.
Freedom by the Truth
Are you the type of Christian that goes to church, shouting, dancing, prophesying and speaking in tongues yet still much afflicted?
This book, “Deliverance from Demonic Affliction,” written by a very dear man of God, Rev. Dr. Henry Aghorunse will be of tremendous help, to say the least. Your deliverance must surely happen if you apply the truth in it.
The Bible says God’s people are destroyed by lack for knowledge. This book will expose you to all you need to know about different types of afflictions and how to be free from them. Knowing what affliction is what you need to be free from and the hindrances against deliverance, you are certainly going to be free indeed.
Dear reader, the enlightenment you will get from this book will lead to your total deliverance.
Arise thou that sleepeth, awake from thy slumber and get delivered.
Purchase your copy now!
Rev. (Mrs.) C. N. Enemchukwu, Foursquare Gospel Church, Lagos, Nigeria.
Loaded With Spiritual Capsules
This book is a success digest loaded with spiritual capsules capable of delivering you from demonic afflictions. It is an eye opener to your past, present and future. The weapon of warfare prayer points contained in this book are not canal but mighty through God.
I recommend that you read, study, practice, prove and determine that affliction shall not rise up a second time. Nahum 1:9
Deliver yourself from demonic afflictions by sharing and keeping this book for life. To be delivered is a choice to be made by you.
Pastor Julius IMAFIDON, RCCG, Lagos, Nigeria.
Valuable Resource Material for Ministers and All Christians.
It is with great delight that I write the foreword to this book, Deliverance from Demonic Affliction, written by a very dear brother, Rev Dr Henry Aghorunse.
Rev Aghorunse is a firebrand minister of the gospel. He has taught in our School of Deliverance and Healing and his life has been a blessing to many.
In this book, he has exposed the works of the devil in the form of demonic afflictions. He has shown that not only human beings can be afflicted, but also houses, lands, nations, and the entire creation. He explains the hindrances to, and steps to deliverance from afflictions, and how to maintain your blessing.
The book shall surely be a great blessing to those who are looking up to God for one form of deliverance or another. It is also a valuable resource material for ministers and all Christians.
It is therefore my great pleasure to recommend it to all and sundry. Get a copy for yourself, and for all your loved ones.
God bless you.
Dr. G. F. Oyor President, God-Will-Do-It Ministries Inc. Ibadan, Nigeria.
Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity
Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity
Adversity is the test that you must pass on the path to accomplishing anything worthwhile. The Greek philosopher Herodotus said, “Adversity has the effect of drawing out strength and qualities of a man that would have lain dormant in its absence.” The very best qualities of strength, courage, character, and persistence are brought out in you when you face your greatest challenges and when you respond to them positively and constructively.
In your adversity therefore is your pioneering spirit gone? Does everything seem to be limited and constricted? Is it your belief that everything has been explored already? Or have you lost the capacity for joy in experiencing your unlimited potential?
At such times of adversity is the question on your lips is, “But why me?” Or you have several reasons why you should not suffer pain or setback? Or you come up with a strong argument for why you should not pass through “the valley of the shadow of death.”? Or you are among those who says I have not committed any offence deserving of the “punishment” you are going through?
You don’t have to wallow in self-pity, and soak in every word or gesture of sympathy from people around. You don’t have to surrender to the situation, neither accepts it as fate, and submits to the kind of life imposed on you by the situation.
However, is that the best you can do in the face of trying times? These are the questions Dr Aghorunse attempt to answer in the book. I believe that the word of God is clear on how a believer should act in the face of adversity. Remember tough times present valuable opportunities to demonstrate our faith in God. Unfortunately, this is the time when most individuals give up and sink into the abyss of despair and unbelief. In this book you will be encourage to muster faith in the face of whatever may confront you.
MAXIMIZING OPPORTUNITIES IN ADVERSITY reveals that tough and unusual times present valuable opportunities to demonstrate our implicit faith in God as challenges are part and parcel of life. It teaches HOW to muster faith in the face of seemingly hard times in whatever may confront us to overcome. Its hands on guidance book that teaches and reveals the wisdom to exercise your dominion as a life style over every situation. It will bring you to experiential moving force called FAITH that will propel you to FREEDOM from the hand of adversaries, oppressors and intimidating forces.
The principles thereon provides you the application of the keys to living a joyful and fulfilled life with a new sense of direction; to which Dr. Aghorunse unveils the reality of the secrets of maximizing opportunity in every adversity. It guaranty you uncommon miracle!
Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity PRAISE REPORTS comments indicates that the book is packed with practical information that are worth reading and serve as a stimulant to readers to act upon the advice without delay.
A Faith-Inducing Guide-Book
This is a practical, soul-lifting and faith-inducing guide-book, which those who have dangerously given up to life vicissitudes and self-inflicted troubles, require to retrace their steps and recapture their seemingly lost tomorrow.
Dele Omojuyigbe, Nigeria Institute of Journalism, Ogba-Lagos, Nigeria.
A Book Of Immense Value
Is there trouble or a challenge anywhere? Cheer up! There is a way out, there is a way forward and it can be found in this book- Maximizing Opportunity in Adversity. Dr. Henry Aghorunse rightly says in this book and is worthy of note: “when we think we have exhausted all possibilities we haven’t”. The inexhaustible opportunity made available by God for you to triumph in life is clearly stated in this reassuring and refreshing book called Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity by Dr. Henry Aghorunse.
This is a book of immense value. Read it.
Pastor K. Mishael, Christ Mission Solution Church, Lagos-Nigeria.
Moving To New Heights
In this book, you will discover what we call “adversity” is actually an opportunity for us to move to new heights where God show Himself on our behalf. Dr. Henry R. Aghorunse who over the years has dedicated himself to the teaching of God’s word has spelt out how we can use adversity for what God intends it for – moving us to new height.
I recommend this book for all, who yearn for a change of level.
Bishop David Obiajulu, Citizens of Heaven Assembly, Lagos- Nigeria.
Masterpiece For Uncommon Miracles
‘’Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity’’ is a must read for all Christians. Having gone through this masterpiece and also benefitted from the wealth of its rich spiritual experiences of those heroes of faith who have lived before us who through faith in the Lord triumphed over situations and circumstances. I strongly recommend it to every Christian who is trusting God for an uncommon miracle. Read it, for, I cannot wait for your testimony.
Osaji M. (Mrs.), Lagos State University, Lagos.
A Companion For Repositioning
This is another chest buster on faith from the stable of Dr Henry Aghorunse, author of many inspiring and motivating best sellers. This book will keep you on and ahead in tough times to overcome any seemingly problems and challenges on your way to stardom. Follow the blue print principles entrenched in this powerful book, for a bounce-back with a testimony.
Get a copy, make it your companion. It will reposition you again.
Rev. A. Ola Koleoluwa, Foursquare Gospel Church, Lagos-Nigeria.
Faith That Propels
In his usual characteristic and manner, Dr Henry Aghorunse brought to bear illuminating, insightful hints and revelations on how to use adversity to advantageous chance and repositioning or as leverage in all circumstances. In this book ‘’Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity’’, I experience a moving force call FAITH that propels me to ask anyone who is yearning for FREEDOM from the hand of adversaries to read this book meditatively for a positive change. A turnaround experience is assured. Jesus is Lord!
Pastor O.P. Aghorunse, Dominion Faith Assembly, Lagos-Nigeria.
In order to gain back what you once had lost in the vicissitudes of life it is necessary that you understand the principles entrenched in MAXIMIZING OPPORTUNITIES IN ADVERSITY by Henry Aghorunse for your upward movement in life; you cannot avoid not having this book if you want to be a conqueror and a winner always. You don’t have to jump to your death! You will recover your shattered mind and dreams in the drama of life. Your self-preservation and personal comfort are assured. Get a copy to challenge those situations NOW and also for your loved ones.
For details on how to purchase your copy CLICK HERE
Adversity is the test that you must pass on the path to accomplishing anything worthwhile. The Greek philosopher Herodotus said, “Adversity has the effect of drawing out strength and qualities of a man that would have lain dormant in its absence.” The very best qualities of strength, courage, character, and persistence are brought out in you when you face your greatest challenges and when you respond to them positively and constructively.
In your adversity therefore is your pioneering spirit gone? Does everything seem to be limited and constricted? Is it your belief that everything has been explored already? Or have you lost the capacity for joy in experiencing your unlimited potential?
At such times of adversity is the question on your lips is, “But why me?” Or you have several reasons why you should not suffer pain or setback? Or you come up with a strong argument for why you should not pass through “the valley of the shadow of death.”? Or you are among those who says I have not committed any offence deserving of the “punishment” you are going through?
You don’t have to wallow in self-pity, and soak in every word or gesture of sympathy from people around. You don’t have to surrender to the situation, neither accepts it as fate, and submits to the kind of life imposed on you by the situation.
However, is that the best you can do in the face of trying times? These are the questions Dr Aghorunse attempt to answer in the book. I believe that the word of God is clear on how a believer should act in the face of adversity. Remember tough times present valuable opportunities to demonstrate our faith in God. Unfortunately, this is the time when most individuals give up and sink into the abyss of despair and unbelief. In this book you will be encourage to muster faith in the face of whatever may confront you.
MAXIMIZING OPPORTUNITIES IN ADVERSITY reveals that tough and unusual times present valuable opportunities to demonstrate our implicit faith in God as challenges are part and parcel of life. It teaches HOW to muster faith in the face of seemingly hard times in whatever may confront us to overcome. Its hands on guidance book that teaches and reveals the wisdom to exercise your dominion as a life style over every situation. It will bring you to experiential moving force called FAITH that will propel you to FREEDOM from the hand of adversaries, oppressors and intimidating forces.
The principles thereon provides you the application of the keys to living a joyful and fulfilled life with a new sense of direction; to which Dr. Aghorunse unveils the reality of the secrets of maximizing opportunity in every adversity. It guaranty you uncommon miracle!
Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity PRAISE REPORTS comments indicates that the book is packed with practical information that are worth reading and serve as a stimulant to readers to act upon the advice without delay.
A Faith-Inducing Guide-Book
This is a practical, soul-lifting and faith-inducing guide-book, which those who have dangerously given up to life vicissitudes and self-inflicted troubles, require to retrace their steps and recapture their seemingly lost tomorrow.
Dele Omojuyigbe, Nigeria Institute of Journalism, Ogba-Lagos, Nigeria.
A Book Of Immense Value
Is there trouble or a challenge anywhere? Cheer up! There is a way out, there is a way forward and it can be found in this book- Maximizing Opportunity in Adversity. Dr. Henry Aghorunse rightly says in this book and is worthy of note: “when we think we have exhausted all possibilities we haven’t”. The inexhaustible opportunity made available by God for you to triumph in life is clearly stated in this reassuring and refreshing book called Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity by Dr. Henry Aghorunse.
This is a book of immense value. Read it.
Pastor K. Mishael, Christ Mission Solution Church, Lagos-Nigeria.
Moving To New Heights
In this book, you will discover what we call “adversity” is actually an opportunity for us to move to new heights where God show Himself on our behalf. Dr. Henry R. Aghorunse who over the years has dedicated himself to the teaching of God’s word has spelt out how we can use adversity for what God intends it for – moving us to new height.
I recommend this book for all, who yearn for a change of level.
Bishop David Obiajulu, Citizens of Heaven Assembly, Lagos- Nigeria.
Masterpiece For Uncommon Miracles
‘’Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity’’ is a must read for all Christians. Having gone through this masterpiece and also benefitted from the wealth of its rich spiritual experiences of those heroes of faith who have lived before us who through faith in the Lord triumphed over situations and circumstances. I strongly recommend it to every Christian who is trusting God for an uncommon miracle. Read it, for, I cannot wait for your testimony.
Osaji M. (Mrs.), Lagos State University, Lagos.
A Companion For Repositioning
This is another chest buster on faith from the stable of Dr Henry Aghorunse, author of many inspiring and motivating best sellers. This book will keep you on and ahead in tough times to overcome any seemingly problems and challenges on your way to stardom. Follow the blue print principles entrenched in this powerful book, for a bounce-back with a testimony.
Get a copy, make it your companion. It will reposition you again.
Rev. A. Ola Koleoluwa, Foursquare Gospel Church, Lagos-Nigeria.
Faith That Propels
In his usual characteristic and manner, Dr Henry Aghorunse brought to bear illuminating, insightful hints and revelations on how to use adversity to advantageous chance and repositioning or as leverage in all circumstances. In this book ‘’Maximizing Opportunities in Adversity’’, I experience a moving force call FAITH that propels me to ask anyone who is yearning for FREEDOM from the hand of adversaries to read this book meditatively for a positive change. A turnaround experience is assured. Jesus is Lord!
Pastor O.P. Aghorunse, Dominion Faith Assembly, Lagos-Nigeria.
In order to gain back what you once had lost in the vicissitudes of life it is necessary that you understand the principles entrenched in MAXIMIZING OPPORTUNITIES IN ADVERSITY by Henry Aghorunse for your upward movement in life; you cannot avoid not having this book if you want to be a conqueror and a winner always. You don’t have to jump to your death! You will recover your shattered mind and dreams in the drama of life. Your self-preservation and personal comfort are assured. Get a copy to challenge those situations NOW and also for your loved ones.
For details on how to purchase your copy CLICK HERE
Be Thankful For What You Have
Be Thankful For What You Have
Relationships are hard. It’s like a full-time work and as such must be seen and treated like one.
Colossians 3:15 (CEV) Each one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful.
If you are reading this, there are literally millions of people who would trade places with you. They envy you and would be very grateful to enjoy all that you do.
Usually the more someone has the less thankful they become.
So how can you overcome ingratitude? Only by changing your beliefs. As long as you believe you're getting a raw deal, or less than you deserve, you will never become a thankful person. Know this fully well that our beliefs construct our internal world and how we view them. They are based on what we have experienced and what we perceive to be true. We all behave as if our beliefs were true and that is what gives us direction.
An attitude of gratitude is the result of what we focus on. As you and I are essentially infinite choice makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to infinity of choices. Ephesians 5:1-2
Remember, you deserved punishment. Instead, God gave you what He deserved, and EVERYTHING you have -- every breath -- is a gift. Keep this in focus and you will become a thankful person. Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things.
A fundamental and undeniable truth is that a thankful person is a happy person.
Hebrews 13:5 (NIV) Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.
"What could be greater? Almighty God promises to always take care of you! Never will you be forsaken! Never will you be left facing life all alone! (You may feel forsaken, but it's a lie.)
A rewarding, satisfying, and fulfilling life does not depend on being rich. Jesus is the one who told us, and He knows. Thank Him for the benefits He loads you with every day and great is His faithfulness. They may seem insignificant, but they are real. Acknowledge them, be grateful to what you have and then act on whatever opportunities come up. Pay attention to the coincidences in your life, as they will show you the way.
Luke 12:15 (LB) Beware! Don't always be wishing for what you don't have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are."
Relationships are hard. It’s like a full-time work and as such must be seen and treated like one.
Colossians 3:15 (CEV) Each one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful.
If you are reading this, there are literally millions of people who would trade places with you. They envy you and would be very grateful to enjoy all that you do.
Usually the more someone has the less thankful they become.
So how can you overcome ingratitude? Only by changing your beliefs. As long as you believe you're getting a raw deal, or less than you deserve, you will never become a thankful person. Know this fully well that our beliefs construct our internal world and how we view them. They are based on what we have experienced and what we perceive to be true. We all behave as if our beliefs were true and that is what gives us direction.
An attitude of gratitude is the result of what we focus on. As you and I are essentially infinite choice makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to infinity of choices. Ephesians 5:1-2
Remember, you deserved punishment. Instead, God gave you what He deserved, and EVERYTHING you have -- every breath -- is a gift. Keep this in focus and you will become a thankful person. Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things.
A fundamental and undeniable truth is that a thankful person is a happy person.
Hebrews 13:5 (NIV) Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.
"What could be greater? Almighty God promises to always take care of you! Never will you be forsaken! Never will you be left facing life all alone! (You may feel forsaken, but it's a lie.)
A rewarding, satisfying, and fulfilling life does not depend on being rich. Jesus is the one who told us, and He knows. Thank Him for the benefits He loads you with every day and great is His faithfulness. They may seem insignificant, but they are real. Acknowledge them, be grateful to what you have and then act on whatever opportunities come up. Pay attention to the coincidences in your life, as they will show you the way.
Luke 12:15 (LB) Beware! Don't always be wishing for what you don't have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are."
Sometimes in the vicissitudes of life you may found yourself in a time of sharp decrease, decline, and collapse, or a crash, plummet, drop, plunge, fall, nose-dive in health, relationship or in business in which you cannot fathom.
You don't seem to feel good about anything? You feel unfocused about your goals; your irritability level is on the rise? When the alarm goes off in the morning you just want to turn it off and skip the day? You might be right.
Well what if I told you there is one thing you can do everyday, that will take a fraction of your day as little as 5 minutes, which will dramatically change not only your outlook but change your reality for better.
Customize a missing ingredient of spiritual, mental health and wealth into your habit as you repeat it to enhance your performance in order to get better. That one thing is rehearsal of gratitude in all you do. It is a little gem that is very powerful that turn things around anytime. It is the force that releases wisdom from the heart of the father God. Consider the following as you read on to discover the power inherent in it.
1. Hold positive thought: It's impossible to hold a negative thought when you put yourself into the frequency of gratitude and appreciation of the priviledges around you. Value comes when you think of what you don’t have relativity to what you have. And when you are positive about where you are there is a level of energy that is released to everything you do instantly. It causes you to leap upwards. And it doesn't have to be appreciation or gratitude for big things. It can be as simple as thanks for the new day as the song writer said:
Anytime I see another breaking of the day
I say thank you Lord, thank you Lord (2x)
2. Gratitude is Infectious in Nature: It is in the tribe and affiliation of thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness, appreciativeness that negates ingratitude. When you are been thankful there is a flow positive energy that is infectious and contagious. It is a great power that rejuvenates all things around us.
3. It Revitalises: It is a mystery that creation understands and responds to with a trailing results following with ideas to rule your world. When things look grim it causes you to see a new horizon that makes you feel better that yes you can. When you're feeling like giving up or want to turn back, have a dose of gratitude as you rehearse the benefits of his goodness to you and in your life, it will serve as opium. And when you continue to find something to be grateful for, you'll keep on feeling a little bit better. It works. It is the best way to treat your system.
4. Heart of Gratitude Multiplies : When you make the decision that you are going to look for things to be grateful for, you begin to notice all the things there are in your life to be appreciating. A heart of gratitude multiplies the benefits of resurrection and good tidings. And the more you appreciate, the more you become aware. You'll start to develop the habit of being more focused on what's going right in your life, on what's working.
5. Believe in Possibilities: You will begin to see and believe and walk in possibilities. Feeling better, focusing on what's working, attracting more of what you want to do and have all will begin to transform your outlook to one of believing in possibilities. You have become aware of so much abundance in your life and in the world around you that it becomes easy to believe that the Universe is also a place of abundant possibilities.
Exercising gratitude as a way of system every day begins with deciding that today is the day you are doing it. Psalmist in chapter 118:24 says: This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. It declares further in Psalm 119:162 I rejoice at thy word, as one that finds great spoil.
Psalm 149:2 says, Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. It doesn't take a lot of time, see the reason of sounding the melody in your heart and you will feel real good. Five minutes can get you started. Give it a try for a week. Let me know how it goes.
Sometimes in the vicissitudes of life you may found yourself in a time of sharp decrease, decline, and collapse, or a crash, plummet, drop, plunge, fall, nose-dive in health, relationship or in business in which you cannot fathom.
You don't seem to feel good about anything? You feel unfocused about your goals; your irritability level is on the rise? When the alarm goes off in the morning you just want to turn it off and skip the day? You might be right.
Well what if I told you there is one thing you can do everyday, that will take a fraction of your day as little as 5 minutes, which will dramatically change not only your outlook but change your reality for better.
Customize a missing ingredient of spiritual, mental health and wealth into your habit as you repeat it to enhance your performance in order to get better. That one thing is rehearsal of gratitude in all you do. It is a little gem that is very powerful that turn things around anytime. It is the force that releases wisdom from the heart of the father God. Consider the following as you read on to discover the power inherent in it.
1. Hold positive thought: It's impossible to hold a negative thought when you put yourself into the frequency of gratitude and appreciation of the priviledges around you. Value comes when you think of what you don’t have relativity to what you have. And when you are positive about where you are there is a level of energy that is released to everything you do instantly. It causes you to leap upwards. And it doesn't have to be appreciation or gratitude for big things. It can be as simple as thanks for the new day as the song writer said:
Anytime I see another breaking of the day
I say thank you Lord, thank you Lord (2x)
2. Gratitude is Infectious in Nature: It is in the tribe and affiliation of thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness, appreciativeness that negates ingratitude. When you are been thankful there is a flow positive energy that is infectious and contagious. It is a great power that rejuvenates all things around us.
3. It Revitalises: It is a mystery that creation understands and responds to with a trailing results following with ideas to rule your world. When things look grim it causes you to see a new horizon that makes you feel better that yes you can. When you're feeling like giving up or want to turn back, have a dose of gratitude as you rehearse the benefits of his goodness to you and in your life, it will serve as opium. And when you continue to find something to be grateful for, you'll keep on feeling a little bit better. It works. It is the best way to treat your system.
4. Heart of Gratitude Multiplies : When you make the decision that you are going to look for things to be grateful for, you begin to notice all the things there are in your life to be appreciating. A heart of gratitude multiplies the benefits of resurrection and good tidings. And the more you appreciate, the more you become aware. You'll start to develop the habit of being more focused on what's going right in your life, on what's working.
5. Believe in Possibilities: You will begin to see and believe and walk in possibilities. Feeling better, focusing on what's working, attracting more of what you want to do and have all will begin to transform your outlook to one of believing in possibilities. You have become aware of so much abundance in your life and in the world around you that it becomes easy to believe that the Universe is also a place of abundant possibilities.
Exercising gratitude as a way of system every day begins with deciding that today is the day you are doing it. Psalmist in chapter 118:24 says: This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. It declares further in Psalm 119:162 I rejoice at thy word, as one that finds great spoil.
Psalm 149:2 says, Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. It doesn't take a lot of time, see the reason of sounding the melody in your heart and you will feel real good. Five minutes can get you started. Give it a try for a week. Let me know how it goes.
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