Attestation For The Written Guarantee
I am glad to introduce this book “the written guarantee” to all serious individuals who desire to have all that God has purposed for them in life. As the custom is, my friend and brother, Rev. Henry, in simple and easy to read manner clearly puts it forward in this powerful book how everyone that cares can have all that Christ has paid for.
There is a guarantee that has been written for every aspect of the Christian’s life,, ranging from spiritual, to the physical, material, financial etc, many people are languishing because they are not aware of these wonderful privilege that the almighty has made available to all. I wish every Christian will have the opportunity of going through this small but mighty book. I am sure everyone that reads it will be tremendously blessed.
I therefore wholeheartedly recommend this book to all.
Rev King Oladipo, Vice President, Operations, God will do it ministries, Ibadan
Every Christian is born to win but we know that it is not easy neither is it automatic. Faith is the key that unlocks many doors to a life of victory and power.
In this book “the written guarantee” my brother Pastor Henry R. Aghorunse has brought together many aspects of faith which is solely the work of God in us, without any assistance on our part but obtained by Christ. Your positive reaction to what you need is very important. You must expect to receive from God, but not to program God like a computer or make him do what you like by following some formulae.
Pastor Henry in this book has clearly stated that you must abide by the principles of the word of God (the written guarantee) holding onto your faith without refocusing or staggering at God’s promises.
The promises of God are sure and must work out for you, if you rightly divide the word of truth. When you diligently seek God and believe, you will find him- faith must be backed by action.
As a believer, you must be dominated by the presence of God i.e. you must become conscious of the presence of God in your life.
If you have heard repeatedly that faith in the word of God through Christ works and you have endlessly wondered how to act on what you believe, then reading this book will prove a tremendous blessing.
I therefore recommend this book without hesitation. There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit will use the book to touch countless lives.
Rev.{Mrs} C.N. Enemchukwu, Foursquare Gospel Church. Lagos.
The author, Rev. Dr. Henry Aghorunse has again revealed the mind of God in this book is a guaranty for good health, great faith, prosperity, victory, deliverance, progress, etc. many people are still in the dark continent of the devil because they have not discovered the legacy of the written word of God guaranty’s to explore. God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).
The truth you have been looking for to set you free from ignorance is hidden in this book. May God through this book reveal the secret things inherent in his word to you with a guaranty. Amen.
I prayerfully commend and recommend it to all those who want to excel I life.
Pastor Julius Imafidon, RCCG: Sufficient Grace Lagos.
This book “the written guarantee” is a book on faith. It’s an in-depth analysis of faith, men of faith, what they used their faith to achieve and the blessing they accrued as a result of their unflinching faith. The book is highly recommended for today Christian and non- Christian alike who will like to please the Father (God) because without faith no man can please him. In this er of doubt and unbelief this book will serve as tonic if not fuel to stir- up in you the necessary mental force needed to achieve your desire goals and objectives.
Remain blessed as you read.
Dr. E.B. Owolabi., CEO Eboa Medical Center, Lagos.
This book impresses me! Rev. Henry Aghorunse has written some inspired books but this one is specially written to make the readers to embrace faith like the people of Old and New Testament, so as to have illumination of God to their dark lives
Here in this book you will find the biblical basis for faith, the action of faith, living by faith in the word and the promises of God; that the righteousness of God will expand your faith and establish you in him.
Rev. A. O. Koleoluwa. Former Zonal Supt, Foursquare gospel church, Lagos.
The word of God is the written guarantee to them that believe in Him. The psalmist understood this revelational knowledge of God when he said “Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89).
It is true that faith cometh by understanding, and understanding by the word of God. It is my prayer today, that as you read this word of life, your life will be greatly blessed by Him who is able to do all things exceedingly, abundantly above all we think or ask for in Christ Jesus. Amen.
L the written guarantee, a book by Rev Henry Aghorunse, is borne out of a desire by the author to share the revelational knowledge of God, which is Christ Jesus, with the saints of God. The message in this book centers on faith in God. The message in this book centers on faith In God and the power in the revelational truth.
To those who are earnestly seeking God in genuine repentance, this book will further help you in your daily walk with God.
Pastor Akinsola Cole, Disciples of all Nations Ministry, Lamb of God Assembly, Lagos.