Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Go Forward In the New Order

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.-Marie Curie

Acting forward is the power of using your imagination to living beyond the present moment to open new channels to your future. This is having capacity dimension of the Creator to doing things orderly, patiently and decently.

Acting forward is moving towards a particular place you are looking in front of you. This is towards a greater progress or a development forward and upward. To successfully complete a stage of certain project you desire for your life and to move to completing the next stage of progress in the right direction of your assignment.

To Make Progress Despite The Barriers

This is to make progress despite the barriers you may encounter on the way to your placement in life. The Israelites acted forward to live beyond the opposition by pressing forward to take their inheritance in God physically and spiritually.

The accomplishment is seen as more important than any challenge that may be encountered on the way to stardom. Acting forward is taking journey somewhere in order to do something different from the usual way. Moving towards the place you intend to be in the future that makes you to depart from the usual manner you use to do things. To this end you determine to discipline yourself to quit the mediocre pattern of thinking and mentality in doing things.
Acting forward is leaving the usual place behind and journeying to a new destination either in the present or in the future in the mind’s eye with an expedite actions of unyielding faith.

This is to perform by discontinuing, ceasing and abstaining from attitudes that hinder, oppose and retard your feat of accomplishment, execution and actions to your advancement in your transaction to your place of progress and advancement.

Purposeful Direction In Your Assignment

The Creator God has good things in mind for us to give a purposeful direction to us in our life pilgrimage as He said in Isaiah 48:17 This is what the LORD says--your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. His intention for us in our life journey is conclusive, if we do dare to follow His mind for us to seek His face in asking which best way He wants us to go.

For greater progression and acceleration you must relinquish, stop, retire, recede and abandon every act that is contrary to your upward movement. Every thought that serves as an impediment must be put away, of the preferred old pattern of living in doubts and fears which echo from the past Egyptian bondage which stands for darkness must be dealt with.

You take giant strides to swing into faith, as you cultivate and further your journey towards your future in the Promised Land. Remember that each one of us has a Promised Land, that is a heart's desire, but you must not be enslaved by your negative thoughts, it is a dangerous thing to do. In the old pattern negative thinking you consider trusting God to be a very risky proposition and too good to be true but the wilderness experience might prove worse than the darkness of living in doubts and fears.

You might be confronted with the question: And how do I really know my Promised Land exists with all these challenges around me? Yes you have a radiant and beautiful one. As it is written in His word that: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.

Don’t ever subscribe to the reasoning mind that is trying to back up or justify the negative thought experience of the past; don’t buy into the idea, resist it by all possible means with the Creators strength within you and follow the mind of the Creator God of winning spirit.
Listen to what the Creator, the Father of all Light says for your hour of upward movement: is to "Go forward!" don’t hesitate to take your journey upward from now on and it shall be well with you.
For detail on how to purchase you copy CLICK HERE


Irrelevent factors aside, what you believe yourself to be, you are. Your self-image prescribes the limits for the accomplishment of your goals, determining the "area of possibilities" for you alone.

Your mind, your belief, always sets and controls your limits. If you believe that you can do something, then you can do it. But you must believe 100 percent in the thing you want to be!

This feeling of belief MUST first come from within you. If you actually feel rich, if you have a deep inner conviction that you will always have all that you need, it will be so!

The strongest single factor in prosperity is self-esteem: believing you can do it, that you deserve it and will get it. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as successful.

Whatever a man thinks and believes in his heart, so is he. Whatever a woman thinks and believes in her heart, so is she. Good success and prosperity to you in all phases of your future life!

A Four-Letter Word

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

More than once since I committed this verse to memory I have had to embrace it as truth and pray that I not give in to a "spirit of fear." I have come to believe that the word "fear" really is a four-letter word and should be considered profanity.

Wouldn't it be great if we could somehow have it censored from all of our thoughts and feelings, like bleeping out a bad word? But instead, fear is very much a part of our reality, even more so than we realize or want to admit. I know there are times when being fearful can be a good thing, such as being afraid of doing something that might bring harm or danger.

.The spirit of fear as mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:7 is a different kind of fear. This fear hinders what God has given us: His power, love and sound mind.

This fear grips us with doubts and insecurities, waging war with our thoughts and feelings. This kind of fear is not of God but of the enemy, the devil.

Fear is one of the greatest weapons Satan uses against us, as it attacks our minds. He tells us that we are no good, not worthy, unloved and useless.

These thoughts affect us all, he picks on everyone, no one is spared. How can we fight against such thoughts? By believing the truth of the second part of the verse.

God through His Holy Spirit has given us power, love and a sound mind, not in our strength but in His

.Are you dealing with fears today that are gripping you so tightly that you feel helpless and hopeless?

How can these fears be conquered?

Start by praying for the Lord to open your mind and help you understand how to use the power given by His Holy Spirit.

The power precedes love, so next pray for your heart to be filled with His love, knowing that His perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). What a great pair...power and love!

Then, ask the Lord to clear your mind and bring to your thoughts His words, taking captive those thoughts not of Him.

O, Lord, I pray that You teach us how to live victorious lives through the empowering love and strength of Your Holy Spirit. And in Jesus name we ask that You break those strongholds of fear that bind us up and keep us from experiencing the peace and joy that You desire for us. Amen. Today's Readings: Jeremiah 12-14; 2 Timothy 1


It is not a tragedy to experience adversities, yet it is a tragedy to use those adversities as an excuse for giving up on life. One ship drives east and other drives west by the same winds that blow. It’s the set of the sails and not the gales that determines the way they go. So was the story of two brothers in a small village in the Eastern Cape. The twin brothers grew up knowing nothing, but poverty. Their father was an alcoholic and their mother was a domestic worker. They grew up with very little.

On their way home one day, their parent were involved in a bus accident and died instantly. The brother’s condition became even worse. At age 17 they separated. Years and years later, a family member decided to find them and have a family reunion.

One of the brother’s was a wealthy engineer, owning a construction company. He had three beautiful kids. The other was an alcoholic with no sense of direction for his life. The family members asked the engineer, “how did your life turn out like this?” “what did you expect with a childhood like mine?” he answered, she moved unto the other brother with the same question. “what did you expect from a childhood like mine?” was his answer. This tells us that it’s not what happens to us, but how we react to it makes the difference.

In all human endeavour, we will under go circumstances: diseases, deaths, heartbreaks, financial instability etc. while those circumstances are more than a good reason to quit, non of them will make a strong enough for us to give up on ourselves, on our dreams, on what we stand for as human beings.

Aristotle said: The ideal person bears the accident of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances. Therefore break the limits that life might throw at you and live beyond those limits.

The Wonders Of Faith

Advanced Praise to ‘’The Wonders of Faith’’

I have read books on faith and have been blessed; but this book in your hand stands out for several reasons.

1 Its simplistic nature
The book presented faith in a simple manner that makes every one really understand faith

2 It is readable
Some books discourage you when you start reading but this one compels you to keep reading without stopping until you have finished it.
3 It is classical
This powerful book is simply classical
4 It is powerful
I found this book so powerful that after going through it, I decided that Rev. Henry (the author), should speak on it in my meeting that same night.
The book has the ability to change every body from Zero to 100% faith
5. It is educational
Many will find this book informative and educative
  1. 6. It is experiential
    The author has put forth what he himself has experienced and practices for years now, and it will help you.

    This book has blessed and touched me deeply and I whole heartedly recommend it to all believers who want:

    1 To know what faith really is
    2 To experience faith
    3 Teach faith
    4 To live the life of faith
    5 To enjoy victory in their day activities

    Get an extra copy for your friend or relation today

    Dr. G. F.Oyor
    God– Will– Do- It- Ministries Inc., Ibadan, Nigeria.
    July 27th 2005
What a book ordained of God to help the readers understand the crucial and indispensable subject of faith. It is easy to read, straight to the point and devoid of theological excesses.

Faith is the pivot of the believers walk with God and the instrument for outstanding success in his adventure through life. It is therefore, a MUST for every believer in Christ to discover, understand, develop and apply faith in God daily. In the Bible days and in our contemporary world, men and women of implicit faith in God are known to accomplish great feats in life. Some heroes and heroines were brought to focus in this book.

The author is a man with genuine call of God upon his life. A man of vision, faith, courage and resilience. A rare gift of God to His church and with great passion for God’s people and His work, he ministers with unusual grace and unction with proofs.

The wonder of faith is a book highly recommended for every one with desire to please God and overcome in this life. I pray that as you read, the unction of the Holy Spirit upon His word will give you light, set free, build up and set ablaze for great exploits of faith in life. Amen.

Bishop Joshua A Nissi
General Overseer, New Testament Life Mission,
Lagos, Nigeria.

Rev’d Henry. R. Aghorunse the author of the book ‘’The Wonders of Faith’’ has being a bosom friend and partner to me and my family for many years now. I have known him to be a man of vision, faith and integrity. His life has been a blessing unto many people including myself and my family and I am sure that your life will also be positively touched by him through this piece in your hand. He is a responsible pastor and a dynamic teacher of the word. I am sure that his ministration in this book will bless your life.

’Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen’’ say the scripture and whatever is not of faith is sin. Yet as important and vital as faith is to the Christian in the race he is running. Many Christian are yet to have a grasp of such an important ingredient.

Rev’d Henry in this powerful and easy to read book has put forward the teaching on faith in such a way that all and sundry will be able to understand and beginning to develop their faith so as to do exploit for God. The book speaks for itself and the testimonies included at the end of it will of certainty stir your faith up. I therefore recommend ‘’The Wonders of Faith’’ to children of God, (young and old, pastors and workers in the church) all over the world, reading it will bless your life tremendously.

Rev. King Oladipo
God-Will-Do-It Ministries, Ibadan, Nigeria


Dr. Henry R. Aghorunse the author of ‘‘The wonders of Faith” is a pastor and a teacher of the word. I have known him for the past twenty years. He is a man of faith and always stands by his word.

This books’ title really prove what the book contains. This is one of the books you handle and would not like to return to the stand. The book is completely written on faith and divinely prepared for a man of faith to grow and do exploits. It proves what faith is and how you can have faith that will lead you to break through in life especially in this situation we are passing through as a nation.

There are many books written on faith but this one is richer and tremendously prepared to meet the need of new generations of believers.
This book is good for pastors, teachers, evangelists, church workers and all believers in general.

Rev. A. Ola Koleoluwa
Former Zonal Superintendent, Foursquare Gospel Church, Lagos, Nigeria


This book is loaded with “Faith Bullets” that will trigger you into the wonders of God. The short chapters open the door of faith for the infilling, assurance and demonstration of Divine power. The discovery in this book will accelerate your recovery and position you in the land of the living. As you dig deep in faith, you will not die in your poverty since discovery is by faith. Faith is by choice but the wonder of faith is a must. This book is sound, interesting, challenging, and soul lifting and profitable. It is real, tested and not just story telling.

The Author, Rev. Henry, is a man of faith, my friend and confidant. I have sat under his teachings and ministrations since 1994 till date and was richly blessed by his prophetic empowerment to function. Everything about his ministry is faith hence he discovered the wonders of faith. Over the years, he has lived, worked and walked by faith.

I recommend you study this book to show yourself approved and become a vessel of solution and praise to God, yourself and your generation.
The wonders of faith can move your mountains.

Pastor Julius Imafidon

The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Fadeyi – Lagos, Nigeria
For information of buying the Wonders of Faith Visit WEB STORE